Day Hagan Tech Talk: Happy Birthday, America
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As we recognize and celebrate the birth of our wonderful nation later this week, I think back to one of the things I have learned over four-plus decades on Wall Street.
Politics, Religion, and Volatility
Decades ago, I was advised to “never discuss politics and religion when speaking in public.” It was sage advice and is even more pertinent now. Regardless, I have to say, when it comes to last week’s presidential debate, “WOW.” We know being uncomfortable and dealing with the unknown can compel many Wall Street participants to sell, reduce, or hedge. Yet, after Thursday, has any of the “unknown” been settled? Is it possible that tax cuts will be extended, immigration and border issues more fully addressed, and corporate regulation lessened? Is a potential Trump win the reason interest rates moved sharply higher and the S&P 500 pulled back after tagging resistance?
With the conclusion of the second quarter and first six months of the year, and despite an increasingly interesting (geo)political backdrop, it was more of the same: mixed performance within global markets, domestic capitalization sizes (Figure 2), sectors, and across asset classes, plus mixed signals from many domestic equity market internal measuring tools.
Speaking of Controversial Topics
Another topic that tends to get investors and traders lathered up is cryptocurrencies, and in this case, Bitcoin.
The direction of Bitcoin can be used to measure certain Wall Street participants’ willingness to take on risk or remove it from their portfolios. Renaissance Macro Research, which is excellent research, goes further and states, “As support for Bitcoin fades, marginal liquidity tends to be a liability for the Nasdaq....” As a means of measuring liquidity and speculation, it behooves us to monitor Bitcoin’s price chart, which has been weakening.
Please let me know if you would like to schedule a call to go over the process and discipline underpinning our Smart Sector with Catastrophic Stop, Smart Sector International, and/or Smart Sector Fixed Income strategies. Disclosures and Fact Sheet information can be found here:
Day Hagan Asset Management appreciates being part of your business, either through our research efforts or investment strategies. Please let us know how we can further support you.
Art Huprich, CMT®
Chief Market Technician
Day Hagan Asset Management
—Written 6.29.2024-7.1.2024. Chart source: unless otherwise noted.
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