Day Hagan
Separately Managed Accounts to Construct Personalized Portfolios.
Learn how Day Hagan’s Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) can help you deliver more for your clients and help meet your client’s financial goals. A team of experienced portfolio managers and analysts with access to in-depth research and advanced technologies guides Day Hagan SMAs.
What is a Separately Managed Account (SMA)?
A separately managed account (SMA) is a professionally managed portfolio that provides broad-market exposure through direct ownership of individual securities. SMAs can be customized to align with investors’ goals, tax profiles, and personal values.
How Do SMAs Work?
In an SMA, the end investor has direct ownership of the assets, but the asset manager is responsible for making the actual trades and managing the portfolio. The asset manager typically charges a fee for their services, usually a percentage of the assets in the account.
SMA Investment Strategies
At Day Hagan, we have over 30 years of experience delivering fixed-income, equity, and multi-asset SMA solutions designed to address a broad range of investment objectives.
Day Hagan Smart Sector with Catastrophic Stop
This strategy is actively managed using proprietary investment models. Under normal market conditions, the strategy seeks to achieve its investment objective by principally investing in unaffiliated equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the performance of the individual sectors of the S&P 500 Index. The strategy will attempt to enhance returns relative to the Index by overweighting and underweighting its exposure to the Sectors relative to the Index and may reduce its overall exposure to ETFs as determined by its risk management model.
Day Hagan Smart Sector Fixed Income Strategy
This strategy is actively managed using proprietary models co-developed with Ned Davis Research (NDR). The strategy seeks to achieve its investment objectives of total return, consisting of income and capital appreciation, by investing in unaffiliated fixed-income exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in fixed-income categories.
Day Hagan Smart Sector International Strategy
This strategy’s investment objective is total return, consisting of capital appreciation and income. The strategy is actively managed using proprietary investment models. The models seek to quantify the risk vs. reward profile for each region and the broader markets.
Day Hagan Smart Value Strategy
This strategy's primary objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation with current income as a secondary objective. The Strategy seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing primarily in the equity securities of dividend-paying domestic companies that the Adviser believes to be under-valued based on its proprietary equity selection model. The Strategy may invest in companies of any market capitalization without limitation.
Day Hagan Global Asset Allocation Strategy
This strategy utilizes a quantitative framework to evaluate business and financial conditions, price trends, sentiment, economic trends, and valuation to determine which asset classes and areas of the market have (what the models deem to be) the highest probability of success.
Day Hagan Core Equity Strategy
This strategy’s primary objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation with current income as a secondary objective. The strategy seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing primarily in domestic equity securities that the Advisor believes to be undervalued based on its proprietary equity selection model.
Day Hagan Defined Outcome Strategy
This strategy utilizes ETFs that provide investors with potential equity appreciation up to a cap and pre-defined downside buffer levels over a specified period. The goal is to achieve moderate total returns over a full market cycle while always having protection in place to buffer against adverse market environments. The strategy utilizes a variety of risk management techniques within the portfolio.
SMAs vs ETFs vs Mutual Funds
Compared to pooled funds, SMAs provide visibility into the underlying securities, fee transparency, and the ability to personalize holdings to help manage tax consequences and align the portfolio with the client’s values.
How to start an SMA?
If you are interested in pursuing an SMA for your client, reach out to Day Hagan by calling (800) 594-7930 or completing the Contact Form.
Lets Work Together
Interested in working together? Fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch shortly! We look forward to working with you.