Day Hagan Tech Talk: The Wisdom of Price
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Within the context of the S&P 500’s continuing uptrend—a price pattern of higher troughs and higher peaks—broader upside participation that started around June 1 but had stalled occurred again last week and for the entire month of June (Figures 1 & 2). Thus, last week’s observation of a short-term shift lower by large cap growth/technology was, at worst, wrong and, at best, early.
Listen, Don’t Force
David Lundgren, whom I met with while he was working at Wellington Management, recently wrote about the “wisdom of price.” Mr. Lundgren is a big proponent of “trend and momentum” investing, believing that it brings added value to the process of making investment decisions. Personally, I agree. Throughout a major portion of the domestic equity market, “trend and momentum” was evident last week and, for that matter, the entire month of June. In other words, “listen to the market (price), don’t force your opinion on it.” Relative to large cap growth/technology, I maintain “Follow the FANG”—NYSE FANG+ Index. Reach out for specifics.
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Art Huprich, CMT®
Chief Market Technician
Day Hagan Asset Management
—Written 07.02.2023. Chart source: unless otherwise noted.
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