Day Hagan Tech Talk: Occam’s Razor
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In the spirit of Occam’s razor, which suggests finding an explanation using “the smallest possible set of elements,” we’ll focus simply on the recent price action of the Large Cap Growth/“Magnificent 7” heavy NASDAQ and S&P 500.
Controlled Pullback
While the important macro data points this week are the CPI and PPI reports on Thursday and Friday, which may move the market as the bond market tries to determine the timing of the first rate cut, most everything related to technology has wobbled since late 2023. This would specifically include a Technology proxy (XLK fell 4.5% between late 12/23 and 1/5/24), NYSE FANG+ Index and many components (index declined 4.1% between late 12/23 and 1/5/24; AAPL and AMD each declined almost 6% last week), and NASDAQ (lost 3.6% between late 12/23 and 1/5/24). During the same period, a proxy for Value was down only 1% and the DJIA was flat—down 0.2%. A controlled, mean reversion type pullback. So far, so good.
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Art Huprich, CMT®
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Day Hagan Asset Management
—Written 01.07-08.2024. Chart source: unless otherwise noted.
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