Day Hagan Tech Talk: Following the Best Week in 2024

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Two weeks ago, the S&P 500 (SPX) experienced its worst weekly decline in 2024. Last week, SPX experienced its best weekly gain in 2024. Similar reversals have been more bullish than bearish. Equity’s reaction to the Fed’s interest rate decision doesn’t appear to change that belief.

Tale of Two Cities

Two weeks ago, the S&P 500 (SPX) was down over 4% in its worst weekly decline in 2024—the worst of times. Last week, the S&P 500 experienced its best weekly gain in 2024, up over 4%—the best of times. According to Jason Goepfert, “Over the decades, similar reversals have been more bullish than bearish.” Interestingly, before the Fed’s 50-basis-point cut on Wednesday, the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index, DJIA, and most Advance-Decline Lines had already closed in new high territory, effectively leading the Large Cap Technology-weighted SPX higher—Figure 1.

Figure 1: Percent of S&P 500 Stocks Outperforming the S&P 500 over the Past Three Months. | This depicts the broadening of the equity market beyond the Index Movers (Large Cap Growth/Technology). 

Figure 2 carries the theme further (more parts of the equity market are participating, besides Large Cap Growth/Technology), but on a sector basis. Measured from the SPX’s previous closing high on 7.16.24. Please note the SPX, Energy, and Technology returns—the last three bars on the right.    

Figure 2: S&P Sector ETF Performance between 7.16.24 and 9.19.24. | Eye opening, if I may say so.

S&P 500: Range Bound No More

Notwithstanding a close back below 5650+/- (i.e., a false upside breakout, and bearish), from a price perspective only two price objectives may be discerned, based on the depth of the completed bases.

With the end of quarter/new quarter approaching, I would expect more price volatility, both ways.

Figure 3: S&P 500. | Non-trading targets and support.

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Art Huprich, CMT®
Chief Market Technician
Day Hagan Asset Management

—Written 9.18-19.2024. Chart source: unless otherwise noted.

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