Day Hagan Technical Analysis with Art Huprich, CMT, Recorded July 25, 2023

Above is the Day Hagan Technical Analysis: 2H23: Themes. Hosted by Art Huprich, CMT®, and recorded on July 25, 2023.

The presentation explores the breadth/participation, Central Bank policies, high yield option-adjusted spreads, emerging economies, the U.S. Dollar Index, interest rates, Commodities such as oil and energy, monitoring rotation from Tech to better-valued sectors for breadth improvement and much more. Financial advisors are encouraged to watch this presentation replay for a comprehensive understanding of the market trends and indicators.

Presentation Slides:

Day Hagan Technical Analysis Slides (PDF)

Each month, the Day Hagan Technical Analysis is held on Tuesdays from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM. Join Art Huprich, CMT, to discuss the current technical condition of the equity markets (domestic, international, and emerging) based on supply (selling pressure) and demand (buying interest) analysis. The topics vary from month to month, but Art generally includes insights into the supply-demand relationships of the fixed income, currency, and commodity markets.

Future Online Events


Day Hagan Tech Talk: Closer To Resistance Than Support


Day Hagan Tech Talk: Running of the Bulls: Wall Street & Pamplona